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"CTC Geotechnical Pvt. Ltd." has built the entire range of residential buildings. We have built, Ansal Lotus Palm Grove Apartment In Mohali Punjab.... more
"CTC Geotechnical Pvt. Ltd." We are one of the first construction companies to build Malls and Multiplexes in India. "CTC Geotechnical" has built the Centrestage Mall and multiplexes in Noida....more...
"CTC Geotechnical Pvt. Ltd." has built experience in building industrial plants of all types. Large Greenfield units for Dabur Ware House, Dabur Dormitory Block.... more
CTC Geotechnical Pvt. Ltd." has built corporate headquarters for Dabur Research & Development Center, Dabur Research Foundation; we have built educational buildings for the NIIT.... more
"CTC Geotechnical Pvt. Ltd." has undertaken Civil & works Gangetic Hotels: Mariott Hotel and Office Building In Agra UP.... more...
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