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About Us

"CTC Geotechnical Pvt. Ltd.", established in 1990, has specialized experience in the Construction Industry of more than 30 years. Our experienced team of dedicated professionals with varied and extensive construction management skills, has completed several unique projects, spanning a spectrum of size, construction techniques, and cost,

We have specialized in Multiplexes and Shopping Malls, Offices and large Residential Complexes, with contract amounts ranging from 10 to 2600 million rupees, Innovation has always been a central part of "CTC Geo" approach to construction. Backed by our own independent construction Research Center we have pioneered the use Dynamic Compaction as an alternative to pile foundations and for treating foundations against soil liquefaction during earthquakes.
"CTC Geotechnical Pvt. Ltd." was established in 1990. From the outset, the goal was a different kind of Construction Company. Now "CTC Geotechnical" is a team of experienced, dedicated professionals with varied and extensive construction and management expertise.

"CTC Geotechnical" completed projects spanning a spectrum of sizes, types, construction techniques, and costs. Our primary focus is client needs. Our company expertise, is comprehensive, and can meet the challenges of modern construction, using the most appropriate technology to deliver high quality results.

Today we are a premier provider of construction services in North India. We have a proven record of over sixty one projects. We have partnered with some of the most exacting clients in India, and look forward to the challenge of working with you.

Works range from Dynamic Compaction, Shopping Malls, Industrial, Offices and Residences to large-scale industrial undertakings with contract amounts ranging from 10 to 1600 million rupees. Backed by our own independent Construction Research Center, "CTC Geotechnical" has introduced dynamic compaction and numerous other new techniques.

Organization is integral in "CTC Geotechnical" highly professional approach to construction. There is an efficient operational hierarchy of qualified and competent engineering staff as well as veteran foremen.

At "CTC Geotechnical" we take pride in our ability to handle all facets of our projects. Civil, architectural, mechanical and electrical components of construction can all be expertly taken care of by "CTC Geotechnical". In addition we can manage other stages of the operation from site selection and design to construction and commissioning.

Innovation has always been a central part of "CTC Geotechnical" approach to construction. Dedicated to providing clients with state of the art methodology. "CTC Geotechnical" is experienced in adapting modern international procedures to an Indian environment.

Reliability is a keyword in the construction business; reliability in terms of meeting deadlines and specifications as well as reliability in working within budget. At "CTC Geotechnical" we can assure satisfaction in all of these areas.

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